Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Design is a social construct, it is a domain that focuses on users hence users become the center of attention. In design, problem solving (design problem) is done using backward approach, based on the concept of "design thinking" where users are consulted, their psychological, emotional, behaviors among others are tested in the design process.
Images are a part of the design critique process and as designers, one thing we ought to do is to psychologically connect products & services with their customers. In reference to the use of photos/ images, non designers may think there is nothing wrong with using any kind of image in marketing/ visual campaigns, however from a psychological & business standpoint, inclusiveness is vital. This, I mean users/ customers should feel they're part of the product or service. That psychological connection is what keeps or brings the user to the product & ultimately contributes to grow a business.

Though it may be viewed as a tiny bit of issue by non designers, research have proven it to be critically important hence these days, global businesses are using "design thinking " as a model in shaping their products & services.

For designers, you got to value who the users/ customers of your products / services are...that also include advising your clients on design options that are suitable for their business & not to let them dictate what they think/ feel about the design.

For clients, educate yourself to isolate your feelings/ emotions from your product so that your business will grow.

Planti taim long PNG, ol man givim wok, ilaik tokim disaina, "...edim disla maunten, em symbol bilong ples bilong mi, or putim disp'la piksa, em luk nais ya..." etc...tasol sapos displa piksa ino gat koneksen wantaim ol lain bai spendim mani long sevis yu providing, maski, lusim na yusim narapela sabjek or piksa....

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