Sunday, March 10, 2013

Film-On FX : Custom Title Bars

In this post, I will share some personal insights and thoughts on one of the many digital projects I'm currently working on.  This project is branded as Film-On FX Products and is targeting everyone who wants to become video editors and also who may not have time to create third party effects for their video projects. 

The project is to promote and standardize visual communications.  It primarily aims to help those who aren't able to create motion banners, titles, transitions, typefaces or even other motion graphic items.

Visual power is stronger than verbal or written and has even greater impact that can last.  Though visual power itself could not effectively influence some people, it has enough power to stimulate, stir and affect the way we do things than the other types of communication methods.   Over the years, I've been observing the way people think and behave especially in developing countries particularly Papua New Guinea and it has proven to me that over half the percentage of population still have the attraction to visual messages.  

As the saying goes - "A Picture speaks a Thousand Words", visual power by all means has the credibility to educate, persuade and motivate humans.  

Below are few of the many title bars/ title banners which can be used on any video project in any video editing program as well.  The product is soon to be launched and it aims to get support from interested persons/ organizations to be promoted.  There are over 100 title bars to choose from..  
For latest developments regarding this project, follow the link below.

 Updated Link;

Still updating this page......