Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Contributing to A Young Man's Discovery - The Eternity Age Calculator

Recently, I added to my lists of simple apps collection, this package - more like a calculator.  It was an app I worked on late last year (2017) for a young gentleman and a friend of mine who came up with a formula to calculate one's eternity age.  We had an appointment one afternoon to meet and discus his finding so that we can work on his promotional online video.  We met and he shared his discovery.  While listening to him, I realised there was a need for an app to do that, so I proposed to him that we should work on one to take care of the calculation.  He agreed to the proposal saying it would be a great step.  The idea was to give people a hands on experience so they see for themselves their eternity age against current time.  I couldn't understand him at first when he explained the concept of this formula however I went home that evening, got his presentation slides and integrated the formula in there to an app.  I tested the app, it worked well but I couldn't confirm whether I'm doing the right thing or not until I meet him during the day of his video shooting and he smiled with excitement, seeing his formula come to life with just a click.  

Just recently, I decided to package this app making it deployable to various platforms.  I therefore created the versions for him and sent it to him.  Though simple, it had it's objective and that was to enable others to calculate their own eternity age instead of him telling them and working it out on a piece of paper.  Basically what happens with this app is that, you enter your current age, press the calculate button and all it does at the background, is using the discovered formula to calculate your eternity age then outputs the result onto the screen that shows you your eternity age.    

A brief background of this app; I initially coded it using Action Script 3 (AS3) because of the script's OOP capabilities and also because my prior background was in interactive media design.  I will do a later post specifically on some of the interactive apps I created using AS3.  I planned to work on some contemporary 2D games depicting the culture I represent, however I still couldn't find time to exercise the craft.

This post is just a snapshot of the outcome of providing a cross-platform application for another simple-app on my list.